Selected Papers

Social and Information Services Research


Continuance Intention / Use Intention

김영은 and 박지홍. (2022). 공공데이터 서비스의 지속이용의도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구. 한국문헌정보학회지, 56(1), 277-296.


백가연 and 박지홍. (2021). 대학생의 진지한 여가 활동 정보원으로서 동영상 콘텐츠 이용 의도에 관한 연구. 한국비블리아학회지, 32(2), 69-99.

Park, Ji-Hong. (2017). quality evaluation factors and continuance intention for Web-based legal information services. Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science, 28(4), 57-76.


이보람 & 박지홍. (2011). 인적서비스 이용자 만족도 및 지속의도의 이해: 대학도서관의 연구. 정보관리연구, 42(3), 187-210.


Park, Ji-Hong.  (2014). The effect of personalization on user continuance intention in SNS. Information Processing & Management (IPM), 50, 462-475.

Park, Ji-Hong. (2008). Exploring factors influencing users’ continuance intention in social networking sites, Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, 25(4), 205-226.

Role of Physical Space in Information Environments


이나리 & 박지홍. (2022). 대학생의 학습공간 선택에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구: 대학도서관의 효과적인 공간 구성을 위한 제언. 정보관리학회지, 39(2), 61-86.

김환희 & 박지홍. (2019). 서비스스케이프를 적용한 대학도서관의 공간구성이 이용자 만족도와 지속의도에 미치는 영향. 정보관리학회지, 36(1), 31-52.

Park, Ji-Hong., & Park, J., Nam, E., & Lee, S. (2013). The influence of information commons on user behavior and perception of the library. Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, 30(4). 93-110.

박지홍 and 기선아. (2012). 정보공유공간의 품질 측정지표 개발에 관한 탐색적 연구. 한국문헌정보학회지, 46(4), 5-25. 

Kim, J.-S., & Park, Ji-Hong. (2011). Influencing factors for the information commons user satisfaction: An analysis of school libraries. Journal of Information Management, 42(2), 121-149.

Evaluation of Information Services


Yoo, S., Park, Ji-Hong. (2018). Hybrid gatekeeping framework for value-added information services. Library & Information Science Research, 40(1), 61-72.


Park, Ji-Hong., & Key, S.-A.  (2012). An exploratory study of measurement development for information commons quality. Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 46(4). 5-25.


Park, Ji-Hong. (2007). Toward an evaluation framework of library services: Re-examination of LibQUAL+TM. Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, 24(2), 5-27.


Park, Ji-Hong. (2007). Implications for assessing framework of enterprise portal: Perspective of organizational knowledge creation. Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, 24(3), 67-82.




Lee, Sung In. & Park, Ji-Hong. (2020). The influence of school library use motivation on the library service quality perception: A study based on self-determination theory. Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, 37(1), 51-78.


Kim, Seunghee & Park, Ji-Hong. (2019). Factors affecting teacher librarians’ intentions to implement collaborative instruction in school libraries. Journal of the Korean Library and Information Science Society, 53(4), 121-142.


Cheon, Hee Sun & Park, Ji-Hong. (2018). The effects of teacher librarians' images on the user satisfaction of school libraries. Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science, 29(4), 35-55.


Park, Ji-Hong. (2008). Identifying the usefulness of weblog genre analysis in organizational knowledge creation: A social construction of technology perspective. Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, 25(1), 5-17.



Research Information Services


김초해 and 박지홍. (2022). 학술정보자원의 사회적 공유에 관한 연구 - 일반인의 정보요구와 행위를 중심으로 -. 한국문헌정보학회지, 56(2), 57-82.

박지인 and 박지홍. (2021). 데이터사서의 직무와 역량에 관한 연구: 미국 구인광고 분석을 이용하여. 한국비블리아학회지, 32(3), 145-162.

Park, Ji-Hong. (2017). The breadth of open access journals impact: An application of the journal diffusion factor. International Journal of Library and Information Science, 9(10), 107-114.

Park, Ji-Hong., & Shim, J. (2011). Exploring how library publishing services facilitate scholarly communication. Journal of Scholarly Publishing, October, 76-89.


Park, Ji-Hong, & Qin, J. (2007). Exploring the scholars’ willingness to accept open access: A grounded theory approach. Journal of Scholarly Publishing, 38(2), 55-84.


Park, Ji-Hong. (2008). The relationship between scholarly communication and science and technology studies (STS). Journal of Scholarly Publishing,39(3), 257-273.


김나원 & 박지홍. (2009). 의사들의 의료정보추구행태에 관한 탐구. 정보관리학회지, 26(3), 435-449.

Social Networks Research

Yoon, Jeeyoung. & Park, Ji-Hong. (accepted 2023). Depth Analysis: What Happens After Papers Stand on the Giant’s Shoulder? Journal of Information Science.

김희영 & 박지홍. (2022). 계량서지학적 분석을 통한 약물연구분야 특허출원인 간 영향력 비교. 정보관리학회지, 39(1), 1-15.

남동인 and 박지홍. (2022). 사회과학, 자연과학기술 및 융복합 분야의 약물중독 연구에 대한 계량서지학적 비교 분석 연구. 정보관리학회지, 39(2), 203-232.

허영수 & 박지홍. (2021). 동시출현단어 분석을 활용한 한국어교육에서의 학습전략 연구 동향 탐색. 정보관리학회지, 38(2), 65-86.

김성덕, 안유리, & 박지홍. (2021). 코로나19에 관한 국회의원 의정활동 네트워크 분석 - 신문 기사를 중심으로 -. 한국문헌정보학회지, 55(2), 91-110.

송혜지 & 박지홍. (2020). 진료 협업 네트워크 특성에 대한 탐색: 서울 소재 A 대학병원 중심으로. 정보관리학회지, 37(2), 71-93.


김혜영 & 박지홍. (2020). 도서관법안에 관한 19대 국회 입법과정의 공동발의 네트워크 분석. 정보관리학회지, 37(2), 1-22.

이은정 & 박지홍. (2020). 초등학생 또래관계 네트워크 특성이 독서능력에 미치는 영향. 한국문헌정보학회지, 54(2), 299-322. 

 박지홍 & 허지영. (2017). 국내 문헌정보학 분야의 연구협업 패턴에 관한 연구 -협업지수의 적용-. 한국문헌정보학회지, 48(1), 191- 206.


Park, Ji-Hong., & Nam, E. (2016). Intra- and inter-institutional collaborative pairing trends of LIS field in South Korea. LIBRI, 66(2), 125–136.


안혜림 & 박지홍. (2016). 저자 인용 네트워크에서 명망성 지표의 차별된 영향력 측정기준에 관한 연구. 정보관리학회지, 33(2), 61-76.


Ahn, H., & Park, Ji-Hong. (2015). The structural effects of sharing function on Twitter networks: Focusing on the retweet function, Journal of Information Science, 41(3), 354-365.


Song, Y., Park, Ji-Hong., & Shim, J. (2015).  The evaluation of Web contents by user ‘Likes’ count: An usefulness of hT-index for topic preference measurement. Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 49(2), 27-49.


Shim, J., & Park, Ji-Hong. (2015). Scholarly uses of TV content: bibliometric and content analysis of the information use environment. Journal of Documentation, 71(4), 667-690.


강범일 & 박지홍. (2013). 프로파일링 분석과 동시출현단어 분석을 이용한 한국어교육학의 정체성 분석. 정보관리학회지, 30(4), 195-213.

Park, Ji-Hong. (2010). Differences among university students and faculties in a social networking site perception and use: Implications for academic library services. The Electronic Library, 28(3), 417-431.

Kim, P.J., Lee, J.Y., & Park, Ji-Hong. (2009). Developing a new collection evaluation method: Mapping and the user-side h-index. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIS&T), 60(11), 2366-2377.


Nicholson, S., Sierra, T., Eseryel, U.Y., Park, Ji-Hong, Barkow, P., Pozo, E.J., & Ward, J. (2006). How much of it is real? Analysis of paid placement in web search engine results. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIS&T), 57(4), 448-461.